Moodle haalt Europese investering van $ 6m binnen

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  • Moodle haalt Europese investering van $ 6m binnen

Al eerder schreven we op Moodlefacts dat Moodle haar focus gaat verleggen naar Europa. Op de Australische Moodlemoot #MootAU17 is bekend gemaakt dat dit ook zijn financiële vruchten afwerpt en dat Moodle een Europese investering van $6m AUD heeft binnen gehaald, ruim 4 miljoen euro.

De investering wordt gedaan door ‘Education for the many’ een fonds van de vermogende familie Leclerq onder andere bekend van Decathlon. Het persbericht zegt: “Education For The Many will gain a minority stake in Moodle Pty Ltd as well as a board seat, and will use their financial and business experience to support Moodle’s plans for growth.

In het persbericht zegt Martin Dougiamas: “We have searched for a long time to find an investor who could truly understand and care about our mission, vision and values, and not just look at our organisation in monetary terms. I’m incredibly happy that we’re beginning this journey together to boost the Moodle project to a much higher level of effectiveness and sustainability.”

Julien Leclerq zegt verder:  “Our family of responsible investors decided a few months ago to help entrepreneurs who are passionate about education, as we are passionate for 40 years about making sport accessible for the many. Martin Dougiamas is one of the world’s most talented entrepreneurs in the education field. We chose to participate in the Moodle adventure to allow Martin to accelerate the expansion of Moodle in the world. We are thrilled to now be active in the Moodle community, a community with a purpose!”

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